Fiamma Arte

Journeys have several values for each of us, but there’s one that’s always prominent.
For some of us the main value is experiencing a different way of life, or trying to understand different cultures, or trying new flavours, hearing new sounds, collecting objects.
For me the prominent value has always been the visual experience.
Shapes and colours fascinate me. That’s why a journey can sometimes take me very close to home, or extremely far away: I’m a hunter of images.
The digital camera has opened up a wonderful boundless hunting territory to me.

I take thousands of photographs at the end of each journey, always meant in both the physical and mental sense. I look at these photos more than once, then I “leave them to rest”.
I leave them to rest until I feel like working on them. Then I start looking at them again until I find one to work on. At times the one I choose makes me think about others that perhaps I took on different occasions and I go and look for them. Sometimes the photo lends itself only to being transfigured.
I work on it until my mind comes to a quite well-defined transformation “project”.
At times I’ll work on an image for days and then abandon it, because I can’t express what my original intention was. At other times my elaboration is quite fast and at other times I take up again works that I had abandoned long before and alter them completely.
What I find fascinating about the computer, compared to the pictorial techniques I was used to, is the opportunity to check the materialization of an idea immediately, to make small variations, to correct mistakes and, sometimes, to find inspiration in somewhat fortuitous results.
Ultimately the computer gives me great freedom to reinterpret images, dismember and deconstruct them to then put them together as new illusory images where, however, the original image shows through with all its evocative power.

Mirror cage - cm. 120 x 90

Visual armonic dissonances

Mediamuseum Pescara . Curated by Claudio Crescentini

Il prigioniero (omaggio ad Arturo Martini) - cm. 86x109

Ars Creandi – Rome

Collettive exhibition at the Museum Venanzio Crocetti in Rome

Aristolochia e fenicottero cm 105x85

Armocromia Gallery – Rome

Collection of artists and works in an exhibition dedicated to the color

NOW art before the future – Rome

Multimedia collective exhibition at DAI Studio

Namib desert - cm 125 x 50

Inside Looking Out – Rome

Collettive exhibition at Association Rosarte, also study of Rosetta Gozzini that has curated the exhibition

Sossousvlei - cm 80 x 70

The Illusoriness of materials

Personal exhibition at the Faculty of Architecture of Rome named “La Sapienza”, curated by Rosetta Gozzini

Ragtime - cm 80 x 105

Jazz Art

Exhibition collective multimedia event at the Academy of Romania – Rome

Jerash - cm 106x80

The eye, the camera, the mind, progressive abstractions

Personal exhibition at “è-stile” Gallery of Rome

Platano -satampa su tela - cm 80x60

The shape of colour / The colour of the material

Be personal exhibition with Laura D’Andrea, at Gallery è-stile in Rome